
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Welcome to fall and some Pumpkin Poppers!

OK, so I've been out of the loop for a little while now, but since things with my life are starting to calm down and fall is my absolute favorite season, I figured now would be a great time to post my most recent  pin.... Pumpkin Poppers!  Yes, a bite of pumpkin goodness! The recipe came from a blog called Just the Little Things, click here for the recipe.

I had everything needed on hand except the Allspice, but I attempted to used Pumpkin Pie spice instead. So I made the little poppers exactly as the recipe called for, again except for the allspice.  Here is my original finished product....  (sorry,  I'm no food photographer!)  

They tasted delicious, however I didn't feel as though I could taste a whole lot of pumpkin and with how much cinnamon and sugar were coating them, I more felt like I was eating, well a mouth full of cinnamon and sugar... It's kinda like dipping them in the butter made them expand as well.

So I had a small amount of the batter left, enough to make 6 more poppers.  This time, with the cinnamon/sugar mixture,  I used less cinnamon and added pumpkin pie spice.  When they came out of the oven I only dipped the top half of it in the butter and cinnamon/sugar mix.  Here is the second finished product.

All in all I think this is a fun, tasty recipe and very easy to make.  I do enjoy my version a little better, again I personally can go without as much of the sugar mixture! And of course, next time I will make sure I have Allspice on hand!