Ok, so I tried this pin and was disappointed. I had been having issues lately of not being able peel our hard boiled eggs and thought I would try this out. It did not work for me. I tried it 5 times and each time the eggs would not cook all the way through. I did higher tempurature to longer times and it failed for me. Peeling them was even a bigger nightmare. I don't know if being at a higher altitude (we are at 5300') was the problem or I was not doing something right. I even took them out of the muffin tin and did it directly on the rack. Yeah, no go. Not saying that this does not work, just did not work for me. Try it yourself and come to your own conclusion. Link to these instructions are at the bottom of this post.
So I went back to my trusty old recipe and did adjustments for easier cooling and peeling. Here is the instructions for hard boiled eggs that peel much easier for me.
Place pot of cold water on the stove
Add eggs, 1 tsp. salt and turn the heat up to high bringing to a boil
Boil eggs 2 to 3 minutes (3 minutes is what I found works for me)
Turn off heat and cover leaving pot on the stove for 11 minutes.
Take pot to sink and run cold water over it until the cold water is the temp in the pot. Let sit for a minute or two and then transfer to container and place in refridgerator.
To peel the eggs, I will crack them rolling them a bit and then peel under cold running water. The shell comes off easy this way. Now, I have not had to do this since I have found the cooking method above to work. I may have to start peeling under the water and then finish peeling without it. But for the most part it has been pretty affective without the running water trick.
Extra hint:
If doing deviled eggs, lay them on their sides 24 hours before boiling them. This will move the yolk to the center of the egg.
Here is the link to the Baked Hard Boiled Eggs:
Like I said, give it a try. It may work for you. For me; not so much. Let me know if it does work for you and what did you do to make it work. I am curious what the hell I did wrong or what it could be.
I had a pork tenderloin in my freezer that needed to be cooked. I took it out and thawed it but was wondering what I wanted to do. Lately when I have cooked tenderloins they turn out great but need something else like a sauce (not because they are dry) just something more. Well, thats what I think and since I am the cook here in my home, I am a bit hard on myself on flavors and how the meal tastes. Everyone else seems to like what I cook and I am my worst critic. If I am not ooooo'ing and awing over it, the meal is not perfect. So I wanted a wow factor for my tenderloins.
I logged myself on the computer and pulled up Pinterest. I had not pinned on my own boards any tenderloin recipes so I searched for some. Most of the recipes were in the slow cooker or out on the grill. I didn't have time for the crock pot and it was a strange cold day in our area I didn't want to grill. There were a few oven recipes but just with the dry rubs, or stuffed, and not many sauces. So, I chose two of them and decided to combine the techniques and use the ingredients for my own version. It worked!!! It was sooooooooooooo good. Below is my recipe version and the links to the other recipes I created this with.
Pork Tenderloin
2 pds. Pork Tenderloin (there are two 1 lbs. loins in one package)
2 Tbsp. Olive oil (or I just do a couple of swirls around the pan)
Dry Rub:
1/2 tsp. Garlic Salt
1/2 tsp. Pepper
Liquid Smoke
Note: I do not measure my seasonings in my rubs, I just sprinkle it on and rub in. So these measurements are estimates.
1/2 cp. Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp. cornstarch
1/4 cp. Balsamic Vinegar
2 Tbsp. Soy (you can use low sodium as well)
1/4 cp. water
These are measured out.
Pre-heat oven to 425*
Take the silver skin off the tenderloins. The thin shiny membrane that reflects silver in light. This is that skin and you can either thinly cut it off or I have been able to pull it off too. I also will get most of the fat, if any off.
Heat skillet on stove on Medium Heat. Now, I don't have low, medium or high I have numbers from 1-9 and what I estimated is medium heat on my stove top is 5-7 this I put on 6. Add the olive oil and let it heat up.
Put the dry rub, dry ingredients on the tenderloins and then sprinkle the liquid smoke on and rub it all around the tenderloins. Place loins in skillet and brown the sides. This takes about 5-6 minutes turning the meat over in the pan on all sides to brown. In the mean time, mix all the sauce ingredients in a bowl and set aside. When all sides are a golden brown, place the skillet* with loins in the oven and cook for 10 minutes. Then add the sauce, pouring on top of loins to glaze them and it will pool in the skillet as well. Cook for another 5 minutes or when the temperature of the meat with a thermometer reads 155-160 (Medium). Take out of the oven and let it rest for 5 minutes on a cutting board. When finished cutting the meat, pour the sauce from the skillet on top of the slice pork tenderloins and serve.
*Note: the skillet shouldbe one that can go into the oven with a metal handle not plastic coated or covering. If you don't have one, after browning you can put the loins into a 9 x 13 baking pan.
This is one of my favorites for a pork tenderloin yet. It will be a 5 star in my cache of recipes.
I made up my own dry rub and you can as well with what is in your spice cabinet. I just thought what would be good with the ingredients for the sauce. The sauce I used for this recipe is from the second recipe that is linked below. The flavors of the dry rub and the sauce tasted like it was grilled even though it was done in the oven.
Here are the links to the recipes I merged and varied into one:
This one is really good!!! This would be great in the slow cooker with my rub and it would be great grilled as well.
This was a quick meal as well. I did a side salad with the Pilsbury rolls. Yeah, I went a little naughty with the rolls but it was worth it. It maybe took me 45 minutes all together to get this on the table.
Hope you give it a try and love it as much as I did.
Let me know if you do try it and how it was.
So, I have been blogging a lot of the food recipes that I have repinned and I really wanted to do something different. This time I decided on my "Wardrobe" pinterest board was going to be attacked. As I repin the great wardrobe pins, I sit and wish my closet looked like my board. It would make my fashion needs easier. Plus to be able to afford much of these pins I have repinned with envy, made me want to find ways to get them without breaking my bank. I had my mission.
I went through my pins and found an outfit that I figured I could easily replicate. I printed it out and gathered my poor son on this mission. Do I think he would help me out; uh, No! He is 18 cares less and hates me dragging him along for the ride but with bribery for lunch he was on his way, trapped. I just wanted another body hanging out with me whether he vanished in the store or not. Of course he vanished to the bathroom and I am sure just hanging out on his phone to avoid most of the shopping torture I was about to put him on. I think it's an adventure, he thinks it is Chinese torture. Most guys would rather have their nails pulled out one by one, slowly, than shop with us women and my son is no exception.
Ok: I went off track there for a moment, back to the outfit. As I said before, I did not want to break the bank. Now, we have great low budget stores around town like Ross, Marshall's, and TJ Max, amongst others and I love them all. Who doesn't? But I really wanted to go as cheap as I could. Here is the surprise, I went to my local Goodwill store. Yes, a thrift store. Why not? You can find some pretty nice things there and what you buy goes towards their cause. Now, I will go through my closet and get rid of a bag full of clothes that I don't use every year or two that heads straight to them and then I turn around and shop there. Hee hee. I just need to make sure I don't pick up something that was mine in the first place. Wouldn't that be a hoot!! Anyways, my mission was laid out in front of me and I knew I may not find everything I wanted at the thrift store, that I might have to shop at my other stores of choice but I was going to try my best. I succeeded!!!! Here is the picture I had went by from the pin that I created my outfit.

Cute isn't it?? Now what I started out with was my own closet. I have jeans similar to these but not as straight legged. That's not a big deal. I have jewelry as well and I was not going to get the sunglasses. I have one pair that I wear all the time and I don't need to add more of those to another collection of stuff to my wardrobe as I may not wear them anyways. I do have a brown belt and other cute shoes that would make this outfit come together. This was a great start to my mission and can be your great start as well. Look in your own closet first before heading out the door.
Now, I printed this picture out to guide me through the process of finding what I needed. Once I got to the store, I knew I was not going to find the exact pieces I needed and I knew to look for the style. I started perusing the racks of tops, blazers (and let me tell you, thrift store blazers are old school boxy looking things) and even jeans just for giggles. First thing I found was the blazer (shocking considering my choices), then to the tops. I looked for a white one and no luck, so I kept looking and found a blouse that had the same shape as the one above. I moved to the purses and looked at the many choices I had, trying to keep with the look at the one above. I could go black or I could find something in the similar color. Well, color ones had few choices and then I see it, tan with black and a shape close to the one above. (oh and I will definitely use it often) Then against my own heebie jeebies, I wandered to the shoes. Yes I said it, "the shoes" in a thrift store. It usually grosses me out but I looked anyways. I figured I could swing by one of the other stores I mentioned above to find some cheap shoes that would come close to these but hey, why not look here at the thrift store first. I wandered up and down the racks and then "bam", a pair of shoes that would go well with the outfit I am creating. These shoes have never been worn and probably only tried on in the original store they were purchased. The soles were clean with no wear or tear and the insides had no impressions of feet ever being in them. They were my size and I can wipe the insides out with a Clorox wipe. That sound good to me. I pick them up and add them to my arm full of goodies. Standing in line at the check out,(which had a lot of people in line, I had time to run my eyes over the ends of the racks) I see a belt. I hand off my pile to my son as he stood there, clothes with purse in hand as I ran to grab it. Ah, it will fit, perfect. Ta-da I am done. I didn't need the belt but I love and will us them all the time. They are kind of like earrings to me, they add to any outfit.
Now for the tally of the clothes:
Blazer: $4.99
Blouse: $3.99
Purse: $4.99
Shoes: $9.99
Belt: $1.99
Equaling out to............$25.95
Yeah, that is a purchase!! I did it with a really small budget and actually not long time shopping either. I was in the store maybe 40 minutes because I had my handy-dandy print out of what I was looking for and this made it so much easier to shop.
Now for the reveal:
Like I said I had the jeans already. I don't skimp on my jeans and they are expensive but they last forever and fit me well. I had the jewelry and the hat but the rest is what I found at the thrift store. The blazer was a great find and so were the shoes and purse. I kept in my head to not look for exactly what was in the picture but to look for the style and start in my closet first. This was super fun and did not take a crazy day of shopping, plus keeping me on track with my purchase with having a picture in hand. This way I was not just aimlessly wandering the stores and their racks and getting random things when you get home don't create much for outfits. I can use each piece in other outfits and mix and match in my own wardrobe. I call this a SCORE!!!
To create your own visual wardrobe go to:
You can create the outfits like the first picture above, print it and head out the door with ammo. Be creative and keep in mind, you don't have to be exact just try to keep the style of the look.